Anon, Maiden Fair... →
via the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), comes this important privacy-and-web-browsing-related press release wordsmithed by John Sullivan of Princeton, with the specific report by Arvind Narayanan, Ph.D., Professor of Computer Science, Princeton University, and Sharad Goel, Ph.D., an Assistant Professor at Stanford University, and others.
"Given a history with 30 links originating from Twitter, we can deduce the corresponding Twitter profile more than 50 percent of the time," the researchers note. "All the evidence we have seen piling up over the years showing the strong limits of data anonymization, including this study, really emphasizes the need to rethink our approach to privacy and data protection in the age of big data..." - via Sharad Goel, an Assistant Professor at Stanford University and an Author of the Study.