BSidesLV24 - Keynotes - Day One: Opening Remarks

Authors/Presenters: Daemon Tamer

Our sincere appreciation to BSidesLV, and the Presenters/Authors for publishing their erudite Security BSidesLV24 content. Originating from the conference’s events located at the Tuscany Suites & Casino; and via the organizations YouTube channel.

BSidesLV24 - IATC - Getting Serious (Un)-Resilience of Lifeline Critical Infrastructure

Authors/Presenters: David Batz, Josh Corman

Our sincere appreciation to BSidesLV, and the Presenters/Authors for publishing their erudite Security BSidesLV24 content. Originating from the conference’s events located at the Tuscany Suites & Casino; and via the organizations YouTube channel.

BSidesLV24 - IATC - Introduction To I Am The Cavalry - Day Two - Preparing for 2027

Authors/Presenters: David Batz, Josh Corman

Our sincere appreciation to BSidesLV, and the Presenters/Authors for publishing their erudite Security BSidesLV24 content. Originating from the conference’s events located at the Tuscany Suites & Casino; and via the organizations YouTube channel.

BSidesLV24 - IATC - Time Is Up. You Have Three Years, 3 Months, 3 Weeks, To Protect Your Stuff. What Do You Do?

Author/Presenter: Josh Corman, Aanne Isam

Our sincere appreciation to BSidesLV, and the Presenters/Authors for publishing their erudite Security BSidesLV24 content. Originating from the conference’s events located at the Tuscany Suites & Casino; and via the organizations YouTube channel.

BSidesLV24 - IATC - Wars And Rumors of Wars - What Are The Implications For Domestic Critical Infrastructure?

Authors/Presenters: Karl Holmqvist, Beau Woods

Our sincere appreciation to BSidesLV, and the Presenters/Authors for publishing their erudite Security BSidesLV24 content. Originating from the conference’s events located at the Tuscany Suites & Casino; and via the organizations YouTube channel.

BSidesLV24 - IATC - Security Trek: The Next Generation

Author/Presenter: Ira Victor

Our sincere appreciation to BSidesLV, and the Presenters/Authors for publishing their erudite Security BSidesLV24 content. Originating from the conference’s events located at the Tuscany Suites & Casino; and via the organizations YouTube channel.

BSidesLV24 - IATC - Living With the Enemy - How To Protect Yourself (And Energy Systems)

Author/Presenter: Emma Stewart Ph.D.

Our sincere appreciation to BSidesLV, and the Presenters/Authors for publishing their erudite Security BSidesLV24 content. Originating from the conference’s events located at the Tuscany Suites & Casino; and via the organizations YouTube channel.

BSidesLV24 - IATC - Difficult Conversations

Author/Presenter: Andrea M. Matwyshyn

Our sincere appreciation to BSidesLV, and the Presenters/Authors for publishing their erudite Security BSidesLV24 content. Originating from the conference’s events located at the Tuscany Suites & Casino; and via the organizations YouTube channel.

BSidesLV24 - IATC - Hungry, Hungry Hackers

Authors/Presenters: Sick.Codes, Casey John Ellis

Our sincere appreciation to BSidesLV, and the Presenters/Authors for publishing their erudite Security BSidesLV24 content. Originating from the conference’s events located at the Tuscany Suites & Casino; and via the organizations YouTube channel.

BSidesLV24 - IATC - Health Care Is In Intensive Care

Author/Presenter: Christian Dameff

Our sincere appreciation to BSidesLV, and the Presenters/Authors for publishing their erudite Security BSidesLV24 content. Originating from the conference’s events located at the Tuscany Suites & Casino; and via the organizations YouTube channel.

BSidesLV24 - IATC - Blood in the Water: Preparing For the Feeding Frenzy

Author/Presenter: Dean Ford

Our sincere appreciation to BSidesLV, and the Presenters/Authors for publishing their erudite Security BSidesLV24 content. Originating from the conference’s events located at the Tuscany Suites & Casino; and via the organizations YouTube channel.

DEF CON 32 - Recon Village - Bastardo Grande: Hunting the Largest Black Market Bike Fence

Speaker: Bryan Hance

Our sincere appreciation to DEF CON, and the Presenters/Authors for publishing their erudite []DEF CON 32]2 content. Originating from the conference’s events located at the Las Vegas Convention Center; and via the organizations YouTube channel.

DEF CON 32 - Recon Village - Bypassing WHOIS Rate Limiting & Tracking Fresh Domains

Speaker: Willis Vandevanter

Our sincere appreciation to DEF CON, and the Presenters/Authors for publishing their erudite []DEF CON 32]2 content. Originating from the conference’s events located at the Las Vegas Convention Center; and via the organizations YouTube channel.

DEF CON 32 - Recon Village - Recon MindMap: Organize, Visualize & Prioritize Recon Data

Speaker: Lenin Alevski

Our sincere appreciation to DEF CON, and the Presenters/Authors for publishing their erudite []DEF CON 32]2 content. Originating from the conference’s events located at the Las Vegas Convention Center; and via the organizations YouTube channel.