USENIX Security ’23 - PrivateFL: Accurate, Differentially Private Federated Learning via Personalized Data Transformation

Authors/Presenters: Yuchen Yang, Bo Hui, Haolin Yuan, Neil Gong, Yinzhi Cao

Many thanks to USENIX for publishing their outstanding USENIX Security ’23 Presenter’s content, and the organizations strong commitment to Open Access. Originating from the conference’s events situated at the Anaheim Marriott; and via the organizations YouTube channel.

USENIX Security ’23 - Chenghong Wang, David Pujol, Kartik Nayak, Ashwin Machanavajjhal - Private Proof-of-Stake Blockchains using Differentially-Private Stake Distortion

Many thanks to USENIX for publishing their outstanding USENIX Security ’23 Presenter’s content, and the organizations strong commitment to Open Access. Originating from the conference’s events situated at the Anaheim Marriott; and via the organizations YouTube channel.

USENIX Security ’23 - Detecting and Handling IoT Interaction Threats in Multi-Platform Multi-Control-Channel Smart Homes

Authors/Presenters: Haotian Chi, Qiang Zeng, Xiaojiang Du

Many thanks to USENIX for publishing their outstanding USENIX Security ’23 Presenter’s content, and the organizations strong commitment to Open Access. Originating from the conference’s events situated at the Anaheim Marriott; and via the organizations YouTube channel.

USENIX Security ’23 - Internet Service Providers' And Individuals' Attitudes, Barriers, And Incentives To Secure IoT

Authors/Presenters: Nissy Sombatruang, Tristan Caulfield, Ingolf Becker, Akira Fujita, Takahiro Kasama, Koji Nakao, Daisuke Inoue

Many thanks to USENIX for publishing their outstanding USENIX Security ’23 Presenter’s content, and the organizations strong commitment to Open Access. Originating from the conference’s events situated at the Anaheim Marriott; and via the organizations YouTube channel.

USENIX Security ’23 - Examining Consumer Reviews to Understand Security and Privacy Issues in the Market of Smart Home Devices

Authors/Presenters: Swaathi Vetrivel, Veerle van Harten, Carlos H. Gañán, Michel van Eeten, Simon Parkin

Many thanks to USENIX for publishing their outstanding USENIX Security ’23 Presenter’s content, and the organizations strong commitment to Open Access. Originating from the conference’s events situated at the Anaheim Marriott; and via the organizations YouTube channel.

USENIX Security ’23 - Pardis Emami-Naeini, Janarth Dheenadhayalan, Yuvraj Agarwal, Lorrie Faith Cranor - Are Consumers Willing to Pay for Security and Privacy of IoT Devices?

Many thanks to USENIX for publishing their outstanding USENIX Security ’23 Presenter’s content, and the organizations strong commitment to Open Access. Originating from the conference’s events situated at the Anaheim Marriott; and via the organizations YouTube channel.

USENIX Security '23 - Measuring Up To (Reasonable) Consumer Expectations: Providing An Empirical Basis For Holding IoT Manufacturers Legally Responsible

Authors/Presenters:Lorenz Kustosch, Carlos Gañán, Mattis van 't Schip, Michel van Eeten, Simon Parkin

Many thanks to USENIX for publishing their outstanding USENIX Security ’23 Presenter’s content, and the organizations strong commitment to Open Access. Originating from the conference’s events situated at the Anaheim Marriott; and via the organizations YouTube channel.

USENIX Security ’23 - Not All Data are Created Equal: Data and Pointer Prioritization for Scalable Protection Against Data-Oriented Attacks

Authors/Presenters: Salman Ahmed, Hans Liljestrand, Hani Jamjoom, Matthew Hicks, N. Asokan, Danfeng (Daphne) Yao

Many thanks to USENIX for publishing their outstanding USENIX Security ’23 Presenter’s content, and the organizations strong commitment to Open Access. Originating from the conference’s events situated at the Anaheim Marriott; and via the organizations YouTube channel.

USENIX Security ’23 - Wen Li, Jinyang Ruan, Guangbei Yi, Long Cheng, Xiapu Luo, Haipeng Cai - PolyFuzz: Holistic Greybox Fuzzing of Multi-Language Systems

Many thanks to USENIX for publishing their outstanding USENIX Security ’23 Presenter’s content, and the organizations strong commitment to Open Access. Originating from the conference’s events situated at the Anaheim Marriott; and via the organizations YouTube channel.