Future of Food, Farmbot →
Simply astounding: The First CNC Farming Robot, FarmBot Genesis
It doesn't take a Nostradamus to envision profound implications to modern civilization, of which, a number of those implications will be evidenced with the application of CNC techniques to food production and in several (about-to-be-changed-forever) economic sectors: Impacted sectors will be Food Production, Labor (Farm and otherwise), Chemical Manufacturing, Durable Goods and Transport. Contemplate, for a moment, this superb machine, planting and watering, in excruciating robotic certitude, food for this family.
Fractal Governance →
Or, what comes after the nations-state construct? In this case, if one is to take a gander at the future, through the discerning eye of futurist Thomas Frey, something akin to a fractal geometry, applied to the notion of governance...